2025 Volunteer Opportunities

We need help leading up to the event, during the event, and after the event. Here is when the activities happen:

Date                  Approximate Times    Event
Tuesday 5/20   2:30 pm - 5:00 pm Pod Unloading
Wednesday 6/4    3:00 pm - 6:30 pm   Lift Night Decorating
Friday 6/6             11:00 am - 8:00 pm   Decorating
Friday 6/6             9:00 pm - 3:00 am   Last Night Event
Saturday 6/7         3:00 am - 6:00 am   Breakfast
Saturday 6/7         5:00 am - 10:00 am Breakdown / Cleanup

Signup for a volunteer role:

There are dozens of different roles that need to be filled to ensure a fantastic event. Working on the Last Night event is fun and rewarding. Bring a friend along to share the event with!

We have divided our volunteer sign-ups into two categories - Pre and post-event help and help during the event. Click on one (or both!) of the buttons below to sign up for a volunteer slot.

All volunteers need to be CORI-checked by the Last Night organization.

Complete a CORI form: Because of the nature of the work at the school and around students all Last Night volunteers must be CORI checked. See the section on this page for information about completing a CORI.

Have questions? Please contact us at info@walastnight.org.


Preparation for Last Night at Westford Academy is a year-round effort.  From start to finish, Last Night is the product of hundreds of volunteers.  

Last Night is an all-night, alcohol-free, and substance-free evening of festivities for the graduating seniors at Westford Academy.

Pay it forward

We rely heavily on parents of underclassmen and younger grades for the event so that the parents of Seniors can enjoy graduation. Parents of Seniors can still help before the event, after the event, or on the Registration Committee.

We need hundreds of volunteers to come together to host the event for the Westford Academy Graduating class on their graduation night. One “Last Night” at WA. The memories last a lifetime.

Last Night CORI checks volunteers

Since our volunteers work in the school building while students are there and with students during the event we take the precaution of CORI checking our volunteers.

Most Frequent Question

"I am CORIed through Westford Schools, do I still need to fill out another?"

Unfortunately yes, even though the Last Night event enjoys very strong support from the School District, we are a separate organization. Due to privacy concerns, we do not have access to the CORI records that the school maintains.


  1. Click on the form image on this page to download the fill-able PDF form

  2. Fill out the form with Adobe Reader and digitally sign or print out the unfilled form and complete it with a pen. Remember to complete both pages. If printing double-sided please select “flip on short edge”

  3. Bring your completed CORI and your driver’s license to one of the CORI drop-off times listed below:

CORI Drop Off Schedule:

Location:  Panera in Westford


  • April 16th from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

  • April 28th from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

  • May 6th from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

  • May 13th from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm